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Welcome YPARD community, welcome YPARD Europe!

It is a big pleasure and honor for me to take over the coordination of YPARD Europe!

While thinking about my welcome text for YPARD blog, I started to realize that I’ve been working in agricultural business for almost 12 years now! And still, I belong to the young professionals!

As I am new to the community, I’d like to give you some more personal info about me: I’ve experienced agriculture from the basic and still do so, because I’ve worked on several farms and I still do give a helping hand sometimes to friends of mine, who are farmers themselves. As a vocational teacher for farmers, I am obtaining an interesting view from the youth, about their hopes and fears according to the future within agriculture. My studies in international agriculture and work as scientific assistant are widening my view and help me to build the bridge from theory to practice and back.
Therefore I am convinced that a holistic and practical approach in agricultural research is crucial and that this is the way, how farmers can actively and most sustainably be involved in ARD. One important instrument to reach that holistic approach is NETWORKING. Change always starts through new generations, communication and exchange. The more voices get involved, the more colorful it gets!

And therefore, first of all, I send a CALL for MEMBERS: I would be pleased to receive requests for participation in YPARD Europe! So let's spread the word and write to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!

Also I'd be glad about any proposals and ideas for possible actions, which you think would be necessary to consider or to include in building up a strong, lively and interactive YPARD Europe.

Initial planned activities are:

  • Awareness raising on YPARD in Europe
  • Linking with work of European based ARD institutions
  • Linking with activities and YPARD members from the Africa, Asia or LAC regions
  • Enhancing the exchange of information and networking among members – online and on the ground

I would like to thank Bern University of Applied Science, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL) in Zollikofen, Switzerland to take over the responsibility of being the hosting organization of YPARD Europe coordination unit,  and EFARD – European Forum for Agricultural Research for Development Steering Committee, which acts as official partner and which YPARD Europe is a member of!

Further thanks go to all of you, who help to build up a strong community!

I am looking forward to a successful and exciting collaboration!

Cheers, Martina

Picture: working with low-cost drip irrigation  in coffee plantations in Nicaragua

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