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Invitation to collaborate in the "Prospective Study on Tertiary Agricultural Education (TAE) in Africa

Dear Ypardians,
TEAM-Africa is conducting a development study titled “Prospective Study on Tertiary Agricultural Education (TAE) in Africa“. The objective of this study is to identify and analyze, with a medium-long term perspective as well as a continental based focus, the changes that are expected in the agri-food sector and their likely impacts on the development of TAE in Africa.

TEAM Africa - TEA

Obtained under a creative common license

As young professionals involved in the Agricultural and/or TAE sectors, we believe that your opinions would be very valuable for this research, and therefore we are inviting you to participate in our study by completing the questionnaire below.

Please take some time to participate in this study as it will be one of the main sources of information guiding the future development of TAE in Africa. The responses you provide will remain strictly confidential. We guarantee that only summarized data, that do not allow tracing the identity of the respondent, will be reported.

While the study is carried out at the continental level, we have produced the questionnaire in English, French and Portuguese. So please select the language that you feel more comfortable with by choosing one of the following links:




We would also appreciate if you could circulate this message to potential respondents in your networks. Our target group may include: agricultural and TAE scholars/researchers/professionals/experts (at all levels including students) at universities or research institutions; agricultural companies, associations and NGOs; and government officers working with agricultural and food departments.

Thanks to your inputs we will shape the directions of future changes in the African higher education related to agriculture, agribusiness and food security. Thank you for taking the time to assist us!


Assem Abu Hatab (on behalf of TEAM Africa's Study Steering Committee)

In case of questions, please feel welcome to email me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Picture credit: Sunset over Serengeti 3, by Eva Schuster

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