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Invitation to collaborate in the "Prospective Study on Tertiary Agricultural Education (TAE) in Africa

Dear Ypardians, TEAM-Africa is conducting a development study titled “Prospective Study on Tertiary Agricultural Education (TAE) in Africa“. The objective of this study is to identify and analyze, with a medium-long term perspective as well as a continental based focus, the changes that are expected in the agri-food sector and their likely impacts on the development of TAE in Africa. Obtained under... More
  774 Hits
774 Hits

Engaging Young Professionals in Seed Technology

For sustainable agricultural growth and food security, production of quality seeds is a basic requisite, considering that the current supply is very low regarding the total requirement in Pakistan. This is why YPARD-Pakistan Local Representative, Dr. Shehzad Basra, organized one day workshop on “Capacity building in seed technology” in the University of Agriculture Faisalabad the 7th of June, 2014. Due to... More
  1186 Hits
1186 Hits