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Save the date: Youth as drivers of innovation interactive event

On the occasion of the International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers: Unlocking the potential of agricultural innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, an interactive session with youth will be organized by FAO in collaboration with Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD). It will allow youth to identify and convey key messages on the role of innovation in agriculture in shaping their future and meeting their aspirations.

Youth representatives and innovators are invited from all around the world to join – both online and in-person –, interact with eminent experts, present the key drivers behind their innovations and share their ideas. During the event, it will be also possible to send inputs or questions through social media channels.

The event will provide a platform for young people to highlight their successes, concerns and drivers of innovation and contribute with their inputs to the outcomes of the Symposium. The key messages from this session will be reported during the final Plenary of the symposium to ensure that the voices of youth are taken into consideration.

Join the discussions

We are looking forward to having you with us on Thursday 22nd November 2018, 18:00-20:00 CET!

If you are attending the symposium, join us in the Sheikh Zayed Centre, at FAO headquarters

You can find the symposium programme at 

The event will be moderated by Chris Burns and interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish. The event hashtag is #AgInnovation and the webcast link is

Photo credit: YPARD

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