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Massive Youth Involement in Agriculture Will Drastically Cut down Unemployment Rate in Nigeria and Sub saharan African

The continent of Africa is blessed with abundant natural resources and large expanse of cultivatable farm lands that support the growth of both Food and Cash Crops. The inhabitants of the western part of Africa where known in the past as the food basket of the continent, where large plantation of different agricultural crops are cultivated,harvested and even exported to the western world. Crops such as ground nut (Ancient kano ground nut period of kano), Cocoa and rubber plantation in the south western part of Nigeria and Ghana. Coffee plantation in Ivory cost. The discovery and exploration of crude oil in the 50's lead to the diversification of the economy and major source of revenue from agriculture to crude oil, and this era marked the begining of the declining phase in West Africa's agricultural reign and ever since it has always been on the decline with a corresponding increase inhuman population and with insufficient food supply to meet the demands of ever growing human population. A significant percent of foods consumed in Countries like Nigeria are largely imported from other countries. Engaging the teeming populations of youth in modern day system of agriculture, providing them with the needed capacity building and a solid start up platform will help provide food securuity, reduce crime  rate and most importanly provide employment opportunities to it's fast growing unemployed youths.


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