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The Art of Writing Grant Applications : The Case of YPARD Nepal

Last year, discussions of National Youth Forum on Agro-based Entrepreneurship Development (#NYFAED15), YPARD Nepal identified that Nepalese youth have limited expertise on grant proposal writing skills. As a result, they were unableto attract funds to address the overall grant or technical writing skills on new agri-business development as expected. To bridge this gap, YPARD Nepal organized a workshop titled, “Youth’s Grant... More
  720 Hits
720 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Peru Representative: Daniela Rivas

We are delighted to welcome YPARD Peru representative Daniela Rivas. Daniela Rivas is a proud alumni of the Pan-american School of Agriculture Zamorano, the most recognized school of agriculture in Latin America, and possesses a major in Socio-economic Development and Environment. In the past, Daniela has worked with rural and indigenous communities, small scale growers and their organizations and on projects... More
  897 Hits
897 Hits