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Welcoming YPARD Peru Representative: Daniela Rivas

We are delighted to welcome YPARD Peru representative Daniela Rivas.

Daniela Rivas is a proud alumni of the Pan-american School of Agriculture Zamorano, the most recognized school of agriculture in Latin America, and possesses a major in Socio-economic Development and Environment.

In the past, Daniela has worked with rural and indigenous communities, small scale growers and their organizations and on projects whose mandate is  socio-economic development through horticulture or forestry activities. Her personal and professional expirience has paved way for her to work in Honduras, Panama, Equator, Brazil, United States and of course Peru.

In Peru, her main work is in the countryside working for the government, the private sector and non-profit organizations. Currently, she is the Project Coordinator for the Peruvian NGO Inka Terra Asociación, where she develops and monitor projects to conserve landscapes in partnership with local communities in the Amazon rainforest, the cloud forest of Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley of the Incas, the City of Cusco, and the Cabo Blanco Ocean and desert.

“During all my professional life I have tried a little bit of everything in the Latin America countryside. From living and working in an indigenous community in the Panama forest to working with artisan fishermen in the northern coast of Peru, where I noticed firsthand the ageing farmers population in rural  areas”

Its through this experience that she made efforts to get involved in youth activities commencing with YPARD. In 2014  she met the community during the Young Session at the Global Landscape Forum in Lima and in 2015, she was selected to be part of the Youth in Landscapes Initiative in Paris, and later on in 2016, she took  a lead role at the Third Global Forum on Agricultural Research for Development at the Partner´s Assembly and as Social Media Reporter, headed in Johannesburg.

This year, after all those powerful experiences, she has returned to her country to lead the YPARD Peru country chapter.

“Its  a huge challenge to represent the YPARD Peru Team, but am glad we started well with the support of YPARD LAC. Currently, we are strengthening the core team to perform all the activities we had in mind in the areas of communication, capacity building, policy debate and alliances generation”

We can’t wait to hear more from the Youth-in-Agriculture in Peru as we trust that YPARD Peru will be successful in mobilizing the youth through Daniela's leadership.

Welcome on board Daniela Rivas.

If you are from or based in Peru, and want to get involved in YPARD Peru activities, please contact Daniela Rivas at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Photo credit: Kiara Worth/IISD 

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