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Are you ready for the Job market? - Career Fair e-discussions!

Are you ready to face - and be successful when - submerging yourself in the professional job market? Do you know what your potential employers expect from you? Can you identify your major assets to boost your employability? If you want to find answers, go to the source! Agrinatura and YPARD are joining efforts in organizing a Career Fair that will... More
  872 Hits
872 Hits

Social media, a tool to engage youth in agricultural development

Social media can be defined as web-based applications that enable end-users to interchange electronic content. There are different forms of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, Flickr, Storify, Slideshare, among several others. These tools have emerged in recent years as a powerful and widespread communication platform and are being used in a wide range of areas such... More
  1111 Hits
1111 Hits