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Web and Technical Learning Bootcamp ends in a hopeful note

A training workshop on ‘Web and Technical Learning Bootcamp’ was held at National Maize Research Program in Rampur, Chitwan from September 25-27. It was organized by US Embassy Youth Council in collaboration with Agri Youth Nepal(AYN), a group of enthusiastic students from Agriculture and Forestry University who are attempting to bring together three elements; youth, ICT and agriculture while at the same time seeking  a difference in the fellow students and gradually the University. This event was an answer to the status quo prevailing in agriculture which belongs more to the tenth century rather than the twenty first. Fifty of the participants and a dozens of facilitators couldn’t agree more and would be satisfied with even a slight turnaround of the situation.
The Bootcamp provided a brief introduction on information and communication technology and their relevance on farming as well their utilization as our daily drivers. It was a three day program with hands on learning experience to the participants that would be effective for cementing the skills and ideas acquired during the event.
However the major highlight of the bootcamp was when the participants were addressed by Raymond Magasaysay winner Dr. Mahabir Pun on the very first day of the formal session. He was able to char up everyone including the academicians, entrepreneurs, researchers and agri-professionals with his success stories and his shared vision of National Innovation Center. Similarly the facilitators included renowned names from ICT playground such as Anil Regmi from Smart Krishi, Santosh Joshi from Dreamworks Solution and Anish Shrestha from Krishi Ghar. It also helped bringing in international wisdom as well as stories through video conferencing.
On the second day, the program became much diverse in its content with maximum utilization of the resources. Sameer Pokhrel, one of the attendees opined,” The Web and Technical Learning Bootcamp is the first of its kind in Rampur and maybe the whole of Chitwan. The way they are using various media and tools of learning is really effective. Only problem it has is time, three days are quite not enough to learn about various sectors of ICTs and its relevance as well as its integration with agriculture.” 
Overall the ‘Web and Technical Learning Bootcamp’ dealt with matters of computer security, computer networking and efficiency of computer utilities, Agri-based apps, social networking, blogging as well as success stories of the international facilitators. Certainly there was a huge spectrum of ICT to cover while some of the sessions may not have gotten the appropriate time and exposure. However, even the introduction of such hot topics could prove to be enough if the participants have curious minds and exploring nature. Still the overwhelming remarks from the attendees as well as the guests at the conclusion ceremony definitely brought forward the responses the organizers were hoping for. 
Our only hope is that such programs would be organized on a regular basis in Chitwan and may help spark some changes on the prevailing situation of farming also making an upgrade on the skills of the participants. Let this not be limited to the conference halls and reports and may the knowledge leap from papers to real life. 
Photo Credit: Bhuwan Giri / Yuba Krishi
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