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Youth from everywhere to Bonn in 2018: #ThinkLandscape

Progressing from commitment to action was a tag line that made more than a thousand representatives of government, NGOs and indigenous organizations, activists, finance, private sector, scientists, media and youth converge in #GLFBonn2018, from 29th November – 2nd December 2018.   

It was a great opportunity for global deliberation on issues related to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through a multi-stakeholder approach to landscape management. As the GLF’s ideals include the engagement of youth as active participants in the GLF processes, it was with pleasure that I participated – to be present and contribute on behalf of YPARD and the Youth in Landscape initiative (YIL).

YPARD, the International Forestry Students Association (IFSA) and the Global Agro-Ecology Alliance (GAEA), which are the steering organizations for YIL organized a youth workshop that focused on landscape leadership

Forty youth participants with varying forms and levels of engagement in landscape issues joined the 2-day workshop from 29th – 30th November 2018. The workshop focused on topics including deliberations about what constitutes landscape leadership, developing facilitation and public speaking skills and how to pitch an idea. Furthermore, the participants, in groups developed four workshops on these thematic areas: Sustainable forests and biodiversity, food security and sustainable food systems, social entrepreneurs and landscape leadership. 

Each group ended up with workshop topics, agenda and design. These workshops were held as side events during the GLF – 1st to 2nd December 2018. The main GLF events focused on the five core GLF themes – restoration, food and livelihoods, land rights, funding gaps and hitting targets. Some strategic GLF events were live-streamed. 

The GLF event was an opportunity for YIL steering Committee to meet. At the end of the GLF events, the SC met to review the organization structure and governance of YIL, collaboration moving forward and how to engage in the GLF processes for 2019. Interesting things are already happening, and there is more!

An important outcome of the GLF event is the official signing of the MoU between the GLF and YIL. This collaboration was celebrated after the Youth Plenary session “creating our shared future” that was held on December 1, 2018. It was a memorable moment when a selfie with the Director of CIFOR and the whole audience was taken, documenting the highlight of the event in beautiful brilliant colours.

The signing of the MoU further stressed the opportunities for youth in general and YPARD members in particular.  We now formally have the opportunity to contribute and shape youth engagement in landscape management, through our participation in the GLF dialogues. As such, YPARD members can

  • Join GLF dialogues, which we promote as the application opens (e.g. GLF Kyoto)
  • Apply to be the youth coordinator for GLF (application for this closed recently)
  • Through our recognition as a steering organization for YIL, YPARD collaborates with the GLF to devise meaningful plans and concepts for integrating needed actions in the four GLF pillars - events, outreach, knowledge and learning.
  • We now have a permanent seat in the CIFOR (GLF) knowledge committee. 

Watch out for new activities about #ThinkLandscape in 2019 – is already happening. YPARD members are invited to participate. You can be present. Stay with us.


Picture credit: Pilar Valbuena

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