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Youth in agriculture in West Africa

young people in NigeriaSub-Saharan Africa has the world’s fastest growing population and also the youngest. This is a huge opportunity for West Africa as young people bring energy, vivacity, and innovation into the work force and can consequently have a transformative impact on economic growth and social development.

The agricultural sector plays a key role in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and represents up to 35% of the region’s Gross Domestic Product.  It is currently the employer of most of West Africans with 60% of the active population engaged in this sector.

Although agriculture offers an opportunity to move out of poverty and build satisfying lives for young people, youth are not attracted by agriculture. The dynamism of the agricultural sector being a vital factor in efforts to combat poverty and food insecurity, we would like to further the possible options to make jobs in agriculture more appealing for the new generations.

FSN Forum - The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition in West Africa - invites you to take part in the online survey in English or French. Register and take the very short survey before January 31, 2014 . You can also answer the question "How could agriculture become more attractive for young people?" by SMS to 00 233 26 81 81 81 2.

This is also an opportunity for you to know about people active in your region for youth-in-agriculture's empowerment, learn about which projects are implemented, and consider further how you can work together.

This survey has been elaborated in collaboration with FSN's facilitator, Justin Chisenga and the Young Professionals in Agricultural Research for Development (YPARD).

YPARD Nepal calls for membership
Social Media Coordination for Youth-in-Agriculture...

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