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YPARD now part of the GFAR Steering Committee

ray of light... YPs involved in decision making impacting agricultural developmentYPARD has been working to engage youth in the decision making processes in the agricultural development sector. Bringing youth representatives to boards, steering and advisory committees is one way of ensuring that youth are an active part of the sector and to encourage youth involvement in programme development. 

We are thus, pleased to report that the Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR) has agreed that YPARD will become a member in the Steering Committee, with full and equal status in GFAR decision-making, alongside other sectors already represented. 

We are pleased to add GFAR to those progressive organisations where youth have been recognised as a critical part of a sustainable ARD.  These include EFARD – the European Forum for Agricultural Research for Development where YPARD is a member of the steering committee and FORAGRO – Forum of the Americas for Agricultural Research and Technological Development where they have included a youth representative on the advisory committee.

Here’s to moving to an agricultural development sector where youth play an active part!

The announcement can be found on the GFAR website:New directions for GFAR: Important changes agreed in structure and operation

Picture courtesy: Skippy3E

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