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Zoom in 2013 YPARD Brazil !

YPARD Brazil 1st event"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together” was said by one the greatest painters, Vincent van Gogh, and perfectly describes the journey of YPARD Brazil from July – when I was nominated YPARD Brazil representative – to November – when we had the first event of YPARD Brazil.

New country, new team, new culture, new language

The activities of the very first semester of YPARD Brazil was fulfilled by small (and, sometimes, unexpected) tasks. First, I had to put together a team and I was lucky enough to know very competent people involved in Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) around this tropical country.

The first person invited was Gabriel Miranda, an Agronomy student of the University of Brasilia and our representative for this institution. He is an enthusiastic young man who did not waste time before saying YES to my invitation. He also gave me a lot of ideas, solutions and described the challenges we would face when starting YPARD in Brazil.

The second awesome team member of YPARD Brazil is Ligiane Leme. Ligiane is a PhD student in the Veterinary Medicine Department at the University of Brasilia and also a researcher at the well-known Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) with large work experience in fertilization. Ligiane has always assisted me by revising translations and other documents related to YPARD Brazil. I have to say that this small but well-equipped team has worked a lot for the beginning of YPARD Brazil.

In the very first team meeting of YPARD Brazil, we realized that the challenge for starting YPARD activities in the Brazilian capital was the current mindset of young people here, who seldom show innovative´ and entrepreneurship´ spirits. This problem was also mentioned by our first partners, the young department of the National Confederation of Engineers and Agronomy (Crea Jovem) during our conversations. We still do not know the reason why young people here apparently do not engage in innovation. In any case, our main goal is to find ways to involve youth among ARD in Brazil.      

Other activities carried out by YPARD Brazil were related to the translation and production of promotional materials of YPARD in Portuguese, the official language of the country. As we live in a very large country with large population (about 180 million people), we mostly communicate in Portuguese since English is not widely spoken in the country. For this reason, we spent hours translating and editing our promotional materials, besides the many emails exchanged with our graphic designer. We have a banner and, soon, we will have an YPARD pamphlet in Portuguese. 

Also, our first event in Brazil was about “Professional Networking” in partnership with Crea Jovem. The event was held at Crea headquarters in Brasilia on November 28. Our programme started with a brief presentation about YPARD, led by Gabriel, followed by one-hour lecture about “Professional Networking”, delivered by me. Learn more about the know-how of networking and stay tuned with YPARD Brazil!

The know-how of Networking
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