The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), a Network of 32 African Universities in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa is keen to document case studies where institutions and individual actors could share their experiences of working downstream with farmers.
Some particular questions to be addressed:
1. What are some of the lessons and skill mix that universities would need to take into account in terms of strengthening their academic programmes to produce graduates with a blend of necessary skills and competences that will facilitate change processes at community level;
2. What institutional arrangements need to be addressed to more effectively reach small-holders to enable them improve their agricultural productivity and enterprises?
RUFORUM therefore invites interested authors to submit a maximum of 8 page (A 4 size font 12) paper that are in-line with sharing experiences identified above. The papers should bear: title, authors name and contact details, summary (not more than 150 words), background/rationale for study, objectives, methodology and approaches, emerging issues/findings and lessons, conclusion and recommendations for action, acknowledgement, and a list of not more than 10 references. Inclusion of some data such as tables, pictures is highly encouraged.
Deadline for submission: 30th July, 2013. The approved papers will be peer reviewed and published in the RUFORUM working document series which will be made available electronically and a few in a peer reviewed journal. Papers may be submitted in English or French, and where feasible include both English and French summary.
Papers should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a copy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..