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Rockefeller Foundation Announces a Challenge to Innovate Agriculture

The Rockefeller Foundation announces the 2012 Innovation Challenges in honor of its centennial year.

The Foundation encourages knowledge and ideas that will solve problems for the next 100 years in defined themes that include two in agriculture:

The Rockefeller Foundation announces the 2012 Innovation Challenges in honor of its centennial year.

The Foundation encourages knowledge and ideas that will solve problems for the next 100 years in defined themes that include two in agriculture:

  1. Irrigation Efficiency; and
  2. Encouraging Young Generations to Engage in Farming.

The competition is open to all individuals and organizations in all countries. The Foundation will select finalists to apply for up to US$100 thousand in grants to further develop or implement their ideas. The deadline for entries is 25 May 2012.

Rockefeller's website provides important information about eligibility, dates, judging, and FAQ