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IDRC: Doctoral Field Research in Developing Countries 2013


Canada's International Development Research Center (IDRC) offers doctoral research awards twice a year in priority themes that include agriculture and environment (among others).  


Canada's International Development Research Center (IDRC) offers doctoral research awards twice a year in priority themes that include agriculture and environment (among others).  

The program is open to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and nationals of developing countries who are pursuing doctoral studies at Canadian universities. 

IDRC funds research in all developing countries, with a few exceptions. The award covers expenses for field research up to CA$20 thousand a year.  Approximately 20 to 25 awards are offered per competition.

Applicants need to submit a checklist and an application form.  These materials, and all background information, are included in the announcement.  The next deadline is 01 November 2012.