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European Commission (EC) -- Land Rights for Small Farmers in Malawi

The EC aims to contribute to an improved land governance framework in Malawi in line with internationally accepted policy frameworks (e.g., VGGT), with particular emphasis on gender-sensitive land tenure. The project will test policy and legal procedures to establish customary estates, and pursue other actions to prepare for scaled-up land reform. Eligibility for funding extends to qualifying non-state organizations in the EU; the European Economic Area; the ACP states (including Malawi); the least-developed countries; and qualifying international organizations. Grants will range from €1.4 million to €1.5 million, varying by cost shares. Reference EuropeAid/136684/DD/ACT/MW.

The EC aims to contribute to an improved land governance framework in Malawi in line with internationally accepted policy frameworks (e.g., VGGT), with particular emphasis on gender-sensitive land tenure. The project will test policy and legal procedures to establish customary estates, and pursue other actions to prepare for scaled-up land reform. Eligibility for funding extends to qualifying non-state organizations in the EU; the European Economic Area; the ACP states (including Malawi); the least-developed countries; and qualifying international organizations. Grants will range from €1.4 million to €1.5 million, varying by cost shares. Reference EuropeAid/136684/DD/ACT/MW.