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Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) -- Regional Asia Environment Conference Support Program

With support from the Government of Sweden, SEI sponsors events that focus on environmentally sustainable development, gender equality, and poverty reduction in Southeast Asia. Events should build new knowledge and leadership; strengthen existing capacity; enhance and foster networks and partnerships; and generate new collaborations and undertakings in ways that are gender-responsive. Recipient organizations should be based in Asia or, if they are based outside the region, be addressing issues relevant to Asia. SEI invites concept notes that preferably bring together representatives from government, the private sector, civil society, and researchers. The program has the following deadlines for concept notes: 31 December; 31 March; 30 June; and 30 September.

With support from the Government of Sweden, SEI sponsors events that focus on environmentally sustainable development, gender equality, and poverty reduction in Southeast Asia. Events should build new knowledge and leadership; strengthen existing capacity; enhance and foster networks and partnerships; and generate new collaborations and undertakings in ways that are gender-responsive. Recipient organizations should be based in Asia or, if they are based outside the region, be addressing issues relevant to Asia. SEI invites concept notes that preferably bring together representatives from government, the private sector, civil society, and researchers. The program has the following deadlines for concept notes: 31 December; 31 March; 30 June; and 30 September.