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2nd Annual international conference on agriculture and forestry (ICOAF) 2015 Sustainable agriculture and global food security

Sri Lanka (formerly known Ceylon) is an island with 65,610 km2 in area which is situated close to the Southeast corner of the peninsula of India. Despite its relatively small size, Sri Lanka possesses a high level of biodiversity. Agriculture is the most important sector of the Sri Lankan economy as it is providing employment for the majority of the Sri Lankan workforce. The country has a long history of more than 2,500 years which is attached with the agriculture. The main agricultural products are rice, sugarcane, grains, pulses, oilseed, roots, spices, tea, rubber, and coconuts.

Sri Lanka is one of the geographically small countries in Asia that supports advocacies for biodiversity in natural forests. Its floral and faunal diversity helps sustain agriculture. The government has high level of commitment for biodiversity conservation. The country is endeavoring to meet its domestic wood requirement from home gardens and forest plantations purposely to protect its natural forests. Currently, the natural forests, forest plantations and trees outside forests annually provide about 1,456.2 m3 of industrial wood and sawn wood. The main plantation species are Teak, Eucalyptus (mainly Eucalyptus grandis), Pine (Pine caribaea) and Mahogany.

With the aim to promote agricultural sustainability, The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM) of Sri Lanka holds International Conferences on Agriculture and Forestry (ICOAF). The conference is an avenue to provide scientific platform for academics, scholars, thinkers, practitioners, scientists, and corporate and public policy-makers around the world to exchange knowledge, discuss issues, share innovations, and for linkages and network.

The ICOAF – 2014 was a very successful premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Agriculture and Forestry. Thus to continue its momentum, the 2nd Annual International Conference of TIIKM on Agriculture and Forestry (ICOAF-2015) shall be held on June 10th – 12th 2015, at Colombo, Sri Lanka, with the theme: “Sustainable Agriculture and Global Food Security.” The conference will create a perfect platform with a keynote forum, scientific sessions, an exhibition, an executive round table, and a social networking dinner to explore innovative and appropriate solutions and to ensure sustainable agriculture practices and global food security.


1. Land and water management
2. Technology and sustainable agriculture best practices
3. Technology and improving food security
4. Private and public sectors collaboration in agriculture technology development
5. Public health, food security and agriculture
6. Nutritional security and food assistance programs
7. Food and agricultural policy
8. Climate change impacts, mitigation and adaptation
9. Natural disasters and agriculture
10. Agribusiness and rural management
11. Rural community development
12. Animal conservation and sustainability
13. Extension and capacity building
14. Promote and motivate household food production
15. Natural resource rehabilitation and conservation
16. Renewable energy sources and sustainable agriculture
17. Support services of the governments to agriculture and forestry programs
18. Diversification of crops, livestock and best indigenous practices
19. Food price volatility and market instability
20. Resiliency of agriculture crops with climate change
21.Interventions for livestock ruminants production and breeding responsive to rapidly changing climate change conditions and environment
22. Development in breeding and, nutrition and animal health
23. Sustainable management and rehabilitation of soil and greenhouse gas emissions
