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Are you a Tree-Hugger? Have your picture displayed during the World Forestry Congress!

Are you a tree-hugger? Kiss a tree for the World Forestry Congress!

Do you care about forests and climate change? Are you passionate about animals and plants? Would you stand up for your friends´future?

This is your opportunity to contribute to the XIV World Forestry Congress (WFC) Youth Program, which will be held in Durban, South Africa from the 7th until the 11th of September, 2015.

2015 WFC - Youth on the Spotlight

The presence and involvement of the global youth community has been prioritized at the XIV World Forestry Congress. It offers to the youth a great opportunity to engage in scientific and policy deliberations on forestry issues like never before!

By getting engaged in this global event, young participants will have the chance to liaise with professionals to design pathways for sustainable development and to maintain and enhance the many benefits, products, goods and services that forests provide.

‘I (We) love forests too!’

Would you like to show everyone the vibrant youth community that is behind the WFC? Take part in the  ‘I (We) love forests too!’ campaign and help promote youth presence and involvement in the XIV WFC! To participate, you should only follow the two steps below:

1. Take a picture of yourself either alone or in-group doing any of the following:

  • Hugging a tree
  • Posing with a tree
  • Kissing a tree

2. Share the photo via any social media network (e.g. Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn) adding the message or a variation of the following message:  ‘I (We) love forests too!’ , the hashtags #Y4Forests2015 and #Forests2015 and the link to the XIV World Forestry Congress' Official Youth Program Page:

There is no restriction on the number of photos you tag. The more educational, cultural background you bring to the photo the better. Images from people living in and directly depending on forests are particularly encouraged. Also images that illustrate integrated cross-sectorial approaches to natural resources management.

Your picture on display!

A picture collage of your photos will be on display at the Youth Network Center during the XIV World Forestry Congress and some images will be used to illustrate youth events at the Congress.

Note that by tagging your photos, you are agreeing to these uses of your image as well as for other outreach purposes related to the Congress.

Clik here to learn more about youth engagement at the World Forestry Congress.

Picture credit: Yemi Adeyeye

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