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Are you employable? - TIPS from YPARD members

Are you employable?YPARD Community was solicited to share their “employability tips” through E-discussions prior to the YPARD and Agrinatura career fair, September 16, Prague.

What were the “musts” during your job seeking?
What was the “secret” of your success in getting employed?
What are the strong points your manager appreciate the most of you?

“There are three key aspects to take in account: You, Your immediate network, Them: the employers”; Myriam, YPARD France representative and Career Fair lead organizer reports.

YOU - Looking for a job is a job.  “Personal branding” and constructing your project will build your case. Be motivated; be proactive while being realistic and hard working. Show respect and be humble. Know yourself; decide what you want and where you want to be.

YOUR immediate NETWORK – One shouldn’t under-estimate the power of networking: identify people or organizations that fit your professional projects; give and receive. Begin now: through internship, lectures, extra-curricular activities. Networking happens face to face but also online: take care of and work on your e-reputation.

What does this mean in practice? Interact: comment, reply, follow others oline to get support and credibility; share: create content, give sources, connect people to lead and build influence; Improve your search-ability.

THEM : the employers: Employers have often no time to waste - get to know them and be ready; the answer must be "you". It is commonly said that employers spend less than 5mins on your cv and resume. Furthermore, get prepared to the type of interview you will be having (ie: know the acronyms, the company’s  values). You are young - they love you(th): you are flexible, innovative, open minded, able to learn, able to collaborate.

Read the e-discussions’s report. With thanks to the participants, for sharing their “employability tips”!


Students, Young Professionals, Universities and Employers get together – YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair

Alumni: how we got employed

Employers tell what they want from you(th)

Be entrepreneur; Create Opportunities!

Download the wrapping-up power point of the Career Fair.

Picture credit: Hansjurg Jager – YPARD Europe.

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