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Empowering Marginalized Young People through Agriculture

Hurdles of Marginalized Young People Young people are many times marginalized from the global regards and perspectives of the agricultural realm. They are also known as ‘separated youth’, which includes indigenous young people, youth with disabilities and young women. Most of them face several difficulties in having their rights recognized. For instance, they are many times obstructed to get equal education,... Continue reading

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  • Indonesia
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  846 Hits
846 Hits

Cyber Extension for Agriculture Development

Innovation on agriculture tends to increase due to information development and communication technology. As a result, the gap between rural and urban agriculture is not easily denied. For instance, agricultural extension workers always confront innovation gaps as they complete their tasks as farmers’ partners. On the other hand, research institutions harbor many funds to produce innovations. Thus, both workers and institutions... Continue reading

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  • Indonesia
  • Access to resources and capacity building
  2177 Hits
2177 Hits

Transforming lives through Agroforestry

Agroforestry is a worthwhile land-use option which provides conspicuous roles in preserving biodiversity, mitigating climate change, transforming landscapes and achieving sustainable forestry and agriculture. Besides, agroforestry is a ‘panaceae’ to accelerate these three pillars of sustainable development, as well as to transform lives, particularly young rural farmers’ livelihoods. How does agroforestry transform smallholders’ lives? The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) conducts agroforestry... Continue reading

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  • Indonesia
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  970 Hits
970 Hits