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Cyber Extension for Agriculture Development

Innovation on agriculture tends to increase due to information development and communication technology. As a result, the gap between rural and urban agriculture is not easily denied. For instance, agricultural extension workers always confront innovation gaps as they complete their tasks as farmers’ partners. On the other hand, research institutions harbor many funds to produce innovations. Thus, both workers and institutions... Continue reading
  2177 Hits
2177 Hits

Warm-Up for the Swing - First Online Training for YPARD China Interns

Several days have passed since the first online training session was launched for YPARD China. However, it has left its imprint on the everyday activities of the newly four recruited young Web Interns. The one-hour training session, delivered by Marina Cherbonnier, YPARD Web and Communications Manager, and organized by Bi Jieying, YPARD Asia Coordinator as well as China representative, offered all... Continue reading
  735 Hits
735 Hits