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Youth engagement in agriculture post-Covid 19: challenges and opportunities

On November 26, 2020, the YPARD Albania team consisting of Bledar Meta, Elda Muço and Benard Limani, held an online activity with the theme "Youth Engagement in Agribusiness and Agriculture Post-Covid 19, Challenges and Opportunities". This online activity was held on the Zoom platform and was moderated by Elda Muço and Bledar Meta. In this activity, YPARD and YPARD Albania were... Continue reading

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  • Albania
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1281 Hits
1281 Hits

Join the 2020 YPARD Albania Café!

YPARD Albania in collaboration with the Agricultural University of Tirana is organizing the YPARD Café Albania to discuss the impact of COVID19 in the engagement of young professionals in agribusiness and agriculture. The activity will be held online on 26 November 2020 through the zoom platform. This event aims to place more focus on youth engagement in contemporary times by fostering... Continue reading

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  • Albania
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1379 Hits
1379 Hits

The contribution and importance of youth engagement in rural development

Young people have the energy, enthusiasm, and perspective to work and achieve something good and sustainable in the field of rural development. In general in developing countries, rural youth after completing their education do not return to their homes to make an effective contribution to the development of rural areas, and communities where they live, but in most cases, they migrate... Continue reading

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  • Albania
  6174 Hits
6174 Hits

Agriculture is not just food but the world around us - 2020 GFFA

The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) 2020, was held from 16 - 18.01.2020. under the title and focuses on Food for all! Trade for secure, diverse and sustainable nutrition. “Agriculture is not just food but the world around us” I heard this phrase during my participation in GFFA 2020. This Forum was organized and hosted by the Federal Ministry... Continue reading

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  • Albania
  893 Hits
893 Hits

Gaining skills, sharing knowledge and building networks

This was the motto of the International Seminar for leaders of rural youth work in "Herrsching am ammersee" in Bavaria, Munich-Germany 2019. Almost 80 young professionals from almost 50 countries around the world attended this seminar, where they shared with each other their knowledge and experiences. At the same time, they worked together to gain Leadership knowledge and skills. They also... Continue reading

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  • Germany
  835 Hits
835 Hits

YPARD Albania at the 2019 Global G.A.P. Tour

YPARD Albania has participated in the event "Global G.A.P. Tour 2019 Albania - 16th of March "  which was held at the premises of “Expocity Albania” on the second day of the Agro-Tech 2019 Fair, 2nd Edition. This event was organized by RISI Albania (partner for growth) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Representatives of Global G.A.P provided very... Continue reading

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  • Albania
  939 Hits
939 Hits

Employability and keeping young scientist in science

"Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace. If, however, they are left on society's margins, all of us will be impoverished. Let us ensure that all young people have every opportunity to participate fully in the lives of their societies." -- Kofi Annan – Supporting youth... Continue reading

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  • Albania
  762 Hits
762 Hits

YPARD an avant-garde platform supporting young professionals

The Young Professionals for Agricultural Development network “YPARD” has for several years started its work in support of young professionals in the field of agriculture, supporting them to have a stronger voice this way. YPARD has done this through various mechanisms such as: organizing various workshops, providing different information for professional youth in the field of employment, various scholarships, information to... Continue reading

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  • Belgium
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  947 Hits
947 Hits

Introducing YPARD Europe in Albania

With the efforts to bring YPARD representative office in Albania, YPARD Europe team and Bledar Meta the newly selected YPARD Albania country representative organized an event to introduce the YPARD platform in Albania through an interactive presentation. The event was held on August 10th, 2017. In addition to presenting the global platform, Bledar also introduced the newly developed ideas for YPARD... Continue reading

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  • Albania
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  956 Hits
956 Hits