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Agriculture is not just food but the world around us - 2020 GFFA

The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) 2020, was held from 16 - 18.01.2020. under the title and focuses on Food for all! Trade for secure, diverse and sustainable nutrition. “Agriculture is not just food but the world around us” I heard this phrase during my participation in GFFA 2020. This Forum was organized and hosted by the Federal Ministry... Continue reading
  893 Hits
893 Hits

2020 – The year of same goals but different approach

The last two years were very substantial for YPARD Serbia! We put our feet on the ground, we spread the word on who we are and what we do and we made some friends and partners along the way. We are very proud of our position now and with the position of young farmers in Serbia. The number of young farmers... Continue reading
  986 Hits
986 Hits