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2020 – The year of same goals but different approach

The last two years were very substantial for YPARD Serbia! We put our feet on the ground, we spread the word on who we are and what we do and we made some friends and partners along the way. We are very proud of our position now and with the position of young farmers in Serbia. The number of young farmers... Continue reading
  986 Hits
986 Hits

Does a child know where the food is coming from?

“Team for education and culture” TOK from Belgrade, Serbia has an interesting project with the aim to show to the next generations that living in the rural areas is something very positive and special. The project consists of educating the youngest ones to appreciate farming and farmers, and know where our food is coming from. Life in the city Vs Life... Continue reading
  744 Hits
744 Hits

Quinoa - A Super Food

Quinoa is a new crop with grains of superior nutritional profile as compared to common cereals. Its grain has higher protein and K, Ca, Mg, Mn than other cereals like wheat, rice and maize. Due to its nutritional importance for future food security, FAO declared 2013 as "The International Year of the Quinoa”. This is also the reason why on the past... Continue reading
  722 Hits
722 Hits