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“The City You Need, the World they want”-UN Habitat III conference insights!

Urban youth face unprecedented challenges, from climate change to unemployment to multiple forms of inequalities and exclusion, particularly for youth belonging to vulnerable or marginalized groups. To provide an open space for critical exchange between urban researchers, professionals and decision makers who believe that urbanization is an opportunity and can lead to positive urban transformations, the UN Habitat III organized a... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
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YPARD Africa at the Agri-business Incubation Conference and Expo-2015

Youth involvement in agriculture in Africa is worryingly dismal with almost 200 million people aged between 15 and 24.These statistics present a serious challenge if this population segment is not productively engaged in food production early enough. The average age of a farmer in Africa is estimated at  55 but the question on who will feed the world when this farmer... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  836 Hits
836 Hits

Multi-facets of Youth inclusion at the GFAR Constituent Assembly

  It is often said good things don’t last. Such was the case when I participated in the GFAR Constituent Assembly as a social media reporter thanks to my affiliation with YPARD, the young professionals for agricultural development. The three days event went so fast that it looked like one day. The GFAR Constituent Assembly, the first ever assembly, was held... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  924 Hits
924 Hits