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7 Things You Need to Know When Delivering a Social Media Training

Social media is no longer a new tool for everyone to get connected across the globe. As of 2015, there are over 2.206 billion users, which is 30% of the world’s population. It has become clear that social media really is the future of global marketing. For nonprofits, social media can be an effective tool to tell stories of what the... Continue reading
  1018 Hits
1018 Hits

“The City You Need, the World they want”-UN Habitat III conference insights!

Urban youth face unprecedented challenges, from climate change to unemployment to multiple forms of inequalities and exclusion, particularly for youth belonging to vulnerable or marginalized groups. To provide an open space for critical exchange between urban researchers, professionals and decision makers who believe that urbanization is an opportunity and can lead to positive urban transformations, the UN Habitat III organized a... Continue reading
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Urban responsibility for food security

We are currently witnessing a second urbanization wave. By 2050, the large majority of the additional 3 billion people will live in Asian and African medium-sized cities. Pressures will be the greatest where the urban and institutional infrastructure is the weakest. Many of the cities that will be created do not even exist yet. Many of the ones that do exist... Continue reading
  812 Hits
812 Hits