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A Tajik tale of agricultural innovation

Since the ndependence of Tajikistan, almost three decades have passed since the first collective-farm system (USSR agricultural system) broke up.  The agricultural world in all developed countries has stepped far forward. However, some Tajik (Tajikistan is a Central Asian country) agricultural farmers are still afraid of innovations in this system and refuse to introduce any innovations on their land plots. The... Continue reading

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  • Tajikistan
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1160 Hits
1160 Hits

Life under plastic film: sufficient usage of land resources

The family Marupovs has been dealing with agriculture for many years. They have grown cotton and vegetables on rented plots of land of the Joint stock company “S.Urunkhojaev”. The work under a burning sun did not compensate input costs and moreover was a kind of a seasonal work. From November till the beginning of March, a waiting time with sitting at... Continue reading

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  • Tajikistan
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1220 Hits
1220 Hits

Peace or War? When you are hungry, it doesn't matter.

Tajikistan is an agrarian country. For two decades, the agricultural sector is passed reforms twice. Since last year, with the aim of returning migrants back home, and to provide the deported migrants with work, the head of the Sughd province signed a decree on the restructuring of big farms. As a result, for the year in the region created more than... Continue reading

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  • Tajikistan
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  1417 Hits
1417 Hits