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YPARD Armenia and YPARD Ukraine meet up highlights: business ideas for rural development

During my visit to Armenia, I met with Anna, YPARD representative for Armenia at her lovely venture, located some 40 km from Yerevan. Anna leads a socially responsible enterprise that produces dried fruits. She works closely with about 300 families in a region, from whom she buys raw material. Annas’ business has created 30 workplaces for villagers, especially women, while their husbands... Continue reading

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  • Armenia
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  923 Hits
923 Hits

Inclusive value-chain development: place for women and youth

The recent FAO and ITC event “Regional workshop on the WTO (World Trade Organization) instruments in the interest of Agribusiness and on export promotion” invited a discussion on building inclusive value chains in light of small-holder producers. Participants at roundtable were FAO and ITC (International Trade Center) Staff, international consults and Ministry representatives from Post-soviet countries and Latin America, several NGOs... Continue reading

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  • Ukraine
  831 Hits
831 Hits

How Internet of Things Makes Agriculture Smarter?

In the coming future all the key agricultural decisions will be made within a few clicks on the tablet or mobile phone.A farmer will still come to his field more of a  habit  rather than a necessity.Each morning,the farmer will receive complete farm overview charts to the e-mail containing farm information. IoT allows to access and control physical objects, including fields,... Continue reading

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  • Ukraine
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Where does our world food system change towards?

The United Nations declared 2014 to be the International Year of Family Farming. In this context the first AGRINATURA Science Days brought together scientists, international scholars, private sector and youth in Vienna between May 5–8 for an exciting event titled: “Growing together - Family Farming and agricultural sciences transforming world food systems”. The objective of AGRINATURA Science Days was to unite researchers and practitioners... Continue reading

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  • Ukraine
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  793 Hits
793 Hits