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YPARD and Me: A Fairy Tale and a Timeline

Machteld Schoolenberg was the first YPARD Web4Knowledge intern in 2011. Since then, her involvement with YPARD activities has incredibly evolved. At the occasion of YPARD 10 years celebrations, Machteld's story is a powerful means to show why and how much YPARD's work is relevant to its community of young professionals in agricultural development. It’s ten years of YPARD, but for me,... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  0 Hits
0 Hits

Herrsching, you amazing and ridiculous place!

Herrsching, an amazing and ridiculous place! I mean, who would expect a lovely, small town to become a symbol of international friendship and cooperation for a whole bunch of young and innovative leaders?To answer that, I want to share some of my impressions from the 27th International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth that took place in Herrsching am Ammersee in Germany... Continue reading

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  • Netherlands
  • Access to resources and capacity building
  738 Hits
738 Hits

Caux and the Knights of the Round Table

High up in the Swiss Alps looking over Lake Geneva, I couldn’t but think about “King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table”. Imagine a small group of people, discussing global issues, sharing their experiences from the field rather than just policies, project designs and scientific reports, in an environment inviting them to interact freely. Although I doubt that the... Continue reading

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  • Switzerland
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  821 Hits
821 Hits

Young but Not Naïve

“You will be surprised” is the logo written on the t-shirts of the bunch of youngsters at the GCARD2 pre-conference session of YPARD, which stands for Young Professionals’ Platform for Agricultural Research for Development. The leaders of the movement have reason to say so. Since its creation in 2006, YPARD has been acting as a platform for knowledge sharing for young... Continue reading

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  • Netherlands
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  948 Hits
948 Hits