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Digital empowerment: Gender-responsive approach

The euphoria that has been encapsulated within the term ‘Africa Rising’ according to researchers is attributed to Africa’s expanding middle class and the development of information and communications technologies.  This is crucial for the growth and development of Africa’s economy. However, as the internet continues to expand to even the remotest parts of the global South and with such optimism, women... Continue reading

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  • Uganda
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  867 Hits
867 Hits

Migration is not a Solution: Youth have potential to be their own biggest assets

The commonest form of migration is from rural to urban areas. Most young people move to urban areas, towns and cities due to a number of reasons. The location of industries, better infrastructures, better employment opportunities, jobs and lifestyles among others explain this phenomenon. “The location of businesses, organizations and government ministries in towns and cities is what drives the youth... Continue reading

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  • Uganda
  1042 Hits
1042 Hits

Why youth voices must feature prominently in Africa Agriculture Science Week

A lot has been said about youth in Africa and there are still ongoing debates stressing the importance of involving young people in major development efforts, including agriculture. Last week, picking up on a Twitter conversation from one of the youth activists online, I concluded that, indeed, many development organizations use the term “youth” as an attempt to portray themselves as ‘working for young... Continue reading
  939 Hits
939 Hits

How I learnt to Farm Locally through Local Solutions: Youth in Agriculture

Last week, I promised that I would write a follow-up article to the one I previously posted on “Practicing what we preach in Agriculture: Too Cool to Farm”. I had wanted to discuss the general challenges and opportunities in farming from my local perspective. However, I will not specifically dwell on the particulars of challenges and opportunities but will discuss them... Continue reading

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  • Uganda
  1107 Hits
1107 Hits

Practicing what we preach in Agriculture: Too Cool to Farm

For the last ten days, I was in my village for a –Grand Plan, to clear and plant about 4 hectares of Land which myself and my brother have been cultivating for the 3rd consecutive year for the production of Beans and Maize. As a young person passionate about agriculture and rural development, farming and cultivation of crops popularly grown within... Continue reading

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  • Uganda
  1366 Hits
1366 Hits