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My road to aquaponics training

In August 2017, after joining the Facebook group of Bangladesh Fisheries Community, I learned about two days long training program/ workshop on aquaponics (the combination of aquaculture and hydroponics) under the supervision of Dr M. A. Salam, Professor from Aquaculture Department at Bangladesh Agricultural University, and interested people were invited to contact there.  I was quite curious before this training because... Continue reading

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  • Bangladesh
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  973 Hits
973 Hits

Agriculture: A Bangladesh perspective

From our childhood, we have read this in our textbooks. It may be unbelievable for those who live in the city. There are also reasons behind such thoughts because in urban areas they get fewer chances to visit farmlands and get less contact with nature. When we, the people from the city, only we see farmland during a bus or train... Continue reading

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  • Bangladesh
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  924 Hits
924 Hits