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Call for YPARD candidate on the Global Water Partnership Steering Committee

The GWP Steering Committee, at its meeting in December 2019, decided to create a permanent independent youth seat on the Committee, thereby ensuring full information and voting rights for a strong youth perspective.

This step is unique among global water organisations and reflects the GWP’s commitment to creating space and opportunities for youth to engage in water governance and management - this is further outlined in GWP’s Youth Engagement Strategy and in GWP's overall 2020-2025 Strategy, Mobilising for a Water Secure World. The GWP is now launching a global call to identify candidates for the role. Please have a look at the Terms of Reference

YPARD has been an associated partner of the GWP through the Czech University of Lífe Sciences Prague (CZU) - YPARD Europe hosting institution - which has been an official GWP partner since November 2018. The GWP Steering Committee has asked that interested candidates must provide a Letter of support from a GWP Partner. Thus this Letter will be provided by CZU to the selected YPARD nominees. 

About the Youth Member to the GWP Steering Committee:  

Further creating space and opportunities for youth to engage in water governance and management is the overarching goal of GWP’s youth strategy (2015) and also stipulated by GWP’s new Strategy “Mobilizing for a Water Secure World”. Having invited a youth representative as an observer to Steering Committee meetings in the past years, the Steering Committee, at its meeting in December in 2019, decided to create a permanent seat for someone from the Youth committee, thereby ensuring full information and voting rights.

Requirements and what we need from you: 

  • Applicants must be active members of YPARD and have a profile which is in accordance with the GWP Terms of Reference
  • The YPARD applicants must send their resume and a short Cover Letter to Libuška Valešová, YPARD Europe coordinator at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 with cc to 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 and the reference “GWP Youth” until May 13th, 2020.
  • YPARD will then evaluate your application and provide a nomination letter to the selected people. 
  • Applications for the Youth seat on the GWP Steering Committee must then be made through the GWP online system (same link as the Terms of Reference) by clicking "Apply for this Job" in the upper right corner.
  • All applications must be accompanied by a Resume, a Cover Letter and Letter of Support from a GWP Partner (YPARD)
  • All applications must be received no later than 20th May 2020.

Picture credit: GWP/CZU/YPARD


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