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Welcoming YPARD communications coordinator: Ingrid Oliveira

IngridYPARD is delighted to welcome Ingrid Oliveira as the new Communications Coordinator. 

Ingrid is a graduate with a master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Transformation from the University of Basel, in Switzerland, and a bachelor’s in law from Universidade Federal de Sergipe, in her native country of Brazil. 

Ingrid has been working as a Communication Officer for GFRAS – Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services – since August 2018, where she also supports project design and implementation in the areas of agriculture and rural extension. As GFRAS and YPARD develop a closer partnership, she joins the YPARD ranks to support closer communication between the two networks, and combine efforts to enhance their ability to address global food security issues and work towards the SDGs.

In the field of agriculture and extension, Ingrid has worked supporting Country Fora to strengthen their capacities and better respond to the demands and needs on the ground, fighting hunger and improving livelihoods in the rural areas. She also works to enhance communication flows between all the different parts that make GFRAS a vibrant network and hopes to bring some of the same energy to YPARD.

Ingrid strongly believes innovation also happens when already existing ideas, methods, and mechanisms are shared and adapted to different local realities. Ensuring information can flow in organic and productive ways is also an effective means to support innovation. 

At the account of joining YPARD, this is what Ingrid had to say;

“Putting the youth at the forefront of the work to support rural communities, fight hunger, and achieve the SDGs is also a means to innovate. I am certain that new problems demand new approaches and solutions, and relegating such an essential portion of the world – youth – to the back seat of discussions, will not help us find novel and effective solutions. It is time to combine these efforts and see how both GFRAS and YPARD together can amplify these voices!”

We would like to use this opportunity to appreciate the outgoing YPARD Communications Manager Emmie Kio for the years she invested in the network.

Welcome on board, Ingrid!


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