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Farewell to YPARD interns, Sabina and Nawsheen!

6 months ago, Sabina and Nawsheen were taking the challenge to start a remote internship of around 10 hours a week with YPARD.

Sabina, Tri-lingual Star!

Sabina was working on translations of key documents, communications products and articles in English, French and Spanish.

She benefitted of the supervision of French and Spanish mother language speakers able to reflect the texts within its context and purpose. This enabled to reach the most significant meaning possible.

From the most “institutional documents” to catchy “marketing” oriented YPARD products, through individual YPs testimonials, Sabina got the chance to test her skills on different genre of texts, and she performed very well! She also got familiar with a completely new world for her: agriculture.

Through her translations, she was a key asset in expanding YPARD services and communications in some parts of the world where YPARD was not present because of language barrier!

Nawsheen, Agri-info Queen!

Nawsheen was in charge of finding and posting targeted information on, for Young Professionals for Agricultural Research for Development. 

She got the chance to get familiar with Drupal, a Content Management System widely used in the world of Development. In addition, she improved her skills in adding value to posted information through a number of tips and tricks.

Funny enough, she was solicited by YPARD members to help them find the information they were searching for. She really enjoyed interacting with and providing support to them!

Long-distance relationship!

The main challenge, for both trainees and supervisors, during a remote internship programme, is to keep a disciplined time management and the rhythm of regular and renewed work. It is a risk, with few hours a week of work together and absence of face-to-face meetings, to push back the work at the bottom of the list of things to do.

However, although thousands of kilometres were separating each other, weekly Skype meetings and messages through emails and social networks enable people to keep connected and be able to work together effectively.

For this same reason, it is quite heart-tightening to wrap-up this period of collaborative work.

We wish all the best to these two promising and talented young Ladies that made an excellent work and contributed to boost YPARD information services and networking worldwide!

Some of you may wonder: but what about Tega, the YPARD Social Media intern? No Christmas without YPARD! Tega would stay with us until the end of December. ;-)

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