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From Zoology to Agriculture

Atim, CameroonWith a BSc in zoology, one will wonder how I found my self in agriculture. Upon my graduation, all I thought of was conserving endangered species around the world. Today, my passion for agriculture has grown so much that all I think about is how to make small holder farmer’s lives better. With no academic background in agriculture, all I had was my experience in working with a community based organisation on agriculture for over 4 years when I started Green farmlands. Green Farmlands is a community based organisation aimed at improving small holder farmers yield and increasing their profit. Upon completing my 1st year of Masters in International Trade and Supply Chain, I realised the impact of the agricultural value chain on producers profit and consumer’s satisfaction.

Based on this knowledge, I started Green farmlands because I realised to achieve the goal of increasing small holders profit, consumers must be satisfied with the produce they get. Green Farmlands seek to improve small holder farmers yield by providing them with training on new and improved farm techniques.
Small holders farmers over the years have stuck to the old farm practices passed down from generation to generation. Today, plagued with the challenges of global warming, these farm practices are not as productive as in the yester years.  Farmers must there improve or adopt new and improved farm techniques which permits them to adapt to the climate changes.

 Now am in the 2nd year of my Masters course and though so far I have only worked part time, upon my graduation in June 2016, I hope to work full time on Green Farmlands integrating my classroom knowledge on supply chain in agriculture. Our dreams are big as we not only wish to remain at the level of production but expand to transformation and targeting a larger market segment.  The agric sector holds a lot of opportunities and lot will be made better if more attention were given to improving the agricultural value chain. This we will achieve with our work at Green Farmlands.

This blog post is part of the GCARD3 Youth blogpost applications. The content, structure and grammar is at the discretion of the author only.

Travel as much as you can, and when you travel, ge...
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