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International Horticultural Congress (IHC) 2018

As Heraclitus once said ‘Change is the only constant in life’. The World is changing constantly and together with it challenges, population, problems, and solutions are also changing. Horticulture is no exception, it is under constant pressure from climate change, population growth and environmental issues. Questions such as: Would our current species survive the impact of changing climate and humans? Will contamination in soils affect fruits? Will we be able to feed the world? Commonly arise as a result of the growing concern.
‘Rookies’ of this year’s congress would end up being experts of the horticultural science and eventually face above mentioned challenges and many others in near future. To let their voice and thoughts be heard; BSc, MSc, PhD candidates and all other young people who will be participating in the congress from all over the world are invited to send their contributions to participate in the workshop on Future of World Horticulture from Youth's Eyes. Both author’s original work and reviews of present literature, are invited.


Main Themes of presentation may include (Not Limited To): Current situation, future challenges, and possibilities in their area of study (both scientifically and geographically).

  1. Agronomical and Environmental Aspects (Soil Management, Plant Nutrition, Plant Protection, Post-Harvest, Use of Biotechnology, Waste Management/Valorization etc.)
  2. Policy and Economics (Case studies that provides useful solutions to challenges faced in planning, management, examples of policies that were proven to be beneficial for horticultural science and sector etc.)


  1. To provide participants of the congress youth’s overall point of view on current issues and the trends in horticultural science, with an emphasis given on future challenges and their possible solutions
  2. To promote a youth network in ISHS and create possible connections for further collaborations between youth.
  3. To publish a booklet titled ‘Future of World Horticulture from Youth’s Eyes’ using the inputs from abstracts and discussions with final statement.

The deadline for abstract submission is 4 December 2017.

For more information visit here the XXX. International Horticultural Congress (IHC2018 website.

Picture credit: IHC2018

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