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My YPARD internship experience

For the past few months, I joined the YPARD Europe team on an internship experience as in communications and blog writer.

During my Internship, I performed administrative activities which included researching on trending issues related to youth in agriculture and sharing them on the YPARD Europe social media platforms and to its registered members and followers. As an international movement of Young Professionals for Agricultural Development, YPARD presents a great opportunity for networking among its members and followers.

This global platform stimulates the interest to actively participate in one’s area of study, profession, or interest in agriculture. The platform further encourages the sharing of information, views, and ideas, and promotes greater participation of youth in sustainable food systems.

During my internship activities, I managed to vastly improve my understanding and effective handling of international sources of agricultural information and databases. I obtained a clearer understanding of the world geographic regions and their respective contributions to food security. Notably due to the COVID-19 pandemic and through my research I gained a better comprehension of the impact of natural disasters on food security in developing countries. I later expressed my understanding of the impact of COVID-19 in a blog article which I shared on the YPARD website (you can read the blog at

I benefited immensely from the teamwork among fellow YPARD members. Through consultations with other young professionals, the platform presented me with a wonderful opportunity to address some of the agricultural concepts which for a long time I sought to better understand. The YPARD platform greatly inspired and motivated me to seek and to make a life-long contribution towards sustainable food production systems.

I would like to thank all members of the YPARD team who helped me better understand some concepts and grow as a professional. This platform greatly broadened the field of view to the challenges and opportunities facing sustainable agriculture. Notably, I would like to thank Stacy Hammond, YPARD Europe Communications Officer for inviting me to become an intern at the European division of the network, for helping me to get settled in the role and for guiding me through my personal development with the network. 

I would definitely recommend any young professional who may be considering to join YPARD to join for the purpose of either further developing this fast-growing organization or seeking their own personal development.

Picture credit: YPARD

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