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My YPARD internship experience

For the past few months, I joined the YPARD Europe team on an internship experience as in communications and blog writer. During my Internship, I performed administrative activities which included researching on trending issues related to youth in agriculture and sharing them on the YPARD Europe social media platforms and to its registered members and followers. As an international movement of... Continue reading

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  • Czech Republic
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1140 Hits
1140 Hits

How do we feed the world sustainably?

According to FAO, by 2050 the world’s population will reach 9.1 billion 34% higher than today thus. Nearly all this population will occur in developing countries. Therefore, there is a need to find solutions on how much more food can be grown sustainably to carter for the rising population. Researchers are trying to find solutions that can best address ways to... Continue reading

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  • Czech Republic
  1211 Hits
1211 Hits

Agriculture, youth and ICT

Smallholder farmers have been associated with poor farming practices particularly those in developing countries; they are normally faced with labour-intensive practices and long working hours. This, however, resulted in the agriculture sector to become unattractive to the new generations of farmers. Nevertheless, the situation seems to be changing. ITCs in Africa and Latin America has demonstrated a different perception of farming... Continue reading

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  • Czech Republic
  1405 Hits
1405 Hits

COVID-19 and its impact in the Agricultural sector

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. First reported in mainland China in the city of Wuhan during the last quarter of the year 2019. It affects the respiratory system and thus spreads through the droplet infection. As soon as initial research studies of both the disease and the virus were published, scientists noted the virus’ unique behaviour, genome... Continue reading

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  • Czech Republic
  1341 Hits
1341 Hits

Why are women so important to agriculture?

Education is the key to a successful society; If you educate a woman, you have an educated society. Imagine a planet where farmers, particularly the rural African women, learn, know how to and produce highly nutritious food. This would considerably bring positive impacts on health, nutrition and additionally increase farmer’s income. Women play a significant role in society, in food security;... Continue reading

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  • Czech Republic
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1861 Hits
1861 Hits