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How do we feed the world sustainably?

According to FAO, by 2050 the world’s population will reach 9.1 billion 34% higher than today thus. Nearly all this population will occur in developing countries. Therefore, there is a need to find solutions on how much more food can be grown sustainably to carter for the rising population. Researchers are trying to find solutions that can best address ways to... Continue reading
  1212 Hits
1212 Hits

COVID-19 and agriculture in Nepal

Farming in Nepal has been severely affected by the COVID-19 transmission, enforced lockdown and mandatory physical distancing. Farmers feel devastated as they are unable to harvest and market their products, which have led to a movement to dump milk, vegetables, fruits, chickens, and egg on the road. The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development of Nepal has established a digital market... Continue reading
  1430 Hits
1430 Hits