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Online media live chat; #FARAEDSPEAKS to enhance FARA’s visibility

In a bid to ensure a stronger social media visibility for FARA and African agricultural Research and Innovation in general, the Secretariat of FARA wishes to conduct a two-hour online media live chat (basically twitter) with the hashtag #FARAEDSPEAKS on Thursday, 7th September 2017.

The live chat will serve as an avenue for online users to engage in discussions with the Executive Director of FARA on topics that affect Africa’s Agriculture and FARA’s role as the apex continental organization responsible for coordinating and advocating for agricultural research for development (AR4D). Among the issues the ED will focus on in these discussions is the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa (S3A) which seeks to improve the effectiveness of national and regional agricultural research and innovation systems with the goal of doubling agricultural productivity by 2025; major initiatives designed to improve agricultural productivity in Africa, for example the regional agricultural productivity programmes and continental programmes supported by the African Development Bank such as the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT), African Agricultural Research Programme (AARP) and the programme for Empowering Novel Agri-Business-Led Employment (ENABLE) program for the Youth.

Participants will include about 30 people on site (YPARD Ghana, Ghana Youth, social media-savvy, FARA Staff and selected Social Media Influencers); and offsite reporters and commentators on the Twitter community across the globe.

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