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Welcoming a new YPARD Steering Committee member: Marina Demaria Ven

MarinaWe are delighted to welcome Marina Demaria Ven

MarinaWe are delighted to welcome Marina Demaria Venâncio as a new YPARD Steering Committee Member!

Marina is currently doing her Ph.D. in ecological and human rights at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Brazil). She holds a master’s degree in environmental law, a bachelor’s degree in law from the same university, and has attended courses and programs on topics such as sustainable food systems (ETH Zurich), climate change (University of Exeter), and transdisciplinary research (ISOE). Her research is focused on the intersection between environmental protection and the human right to food. Likewise, she focuses on other inter-disciplinary issues such as rural development policy, climate change, sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity, and sustainability. She is also a lawyer and is currently working at the United Nations Environment Programme as an Environmental Law and Knowledge Management Specialist.

Her focus in rural development dates back to 2012 when she started researching the interconnection between law and agroecology. According to her, agroecology is a fascinating field of study and has a great potential to promote relevant transformations in our modern food systems. In Latin America, agroecology can be understood as a science that studies the design of sustainable food systems, which also translates into a social movement and sustainable agricultural practices. In this context, it contributes to cross-sectoral and multiscale action, being youth significant players in leading these transformations. Of note, Marina was awarded the Green Talents 2016, from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, thanks to her research on agroecological public policies. She also worked for one and a half years at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and has served as YPARD Country Representative for Brazil from 2019 to 2021. 

Furthermore, she has been volunteering on several interdisciplinary research projects and organizations in the field of sustainability and food systems. Marina is delighted and honoured with the opportunity of joining the Steering Committee: “I strongly believe that youth - especially young farmers, students, researchers, and professionals - have an important role to play in transforming our food systems, bringing next-generation perspectives and solutions to long-standing challenges. I am eager to join the Steering Committee and contribute to connecting-like minded individuals, engaging young people, promoting their meaningful participation in multilateral processes, and putting into action relevant, collaborative projects.”

Welcome on board Marina Demaria Venâncio! 

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