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Youth led agricultural transformation

I believe the youth will drive agricultural transformation in Africa.

This belief stems from my knowledge, skills and experience on a day to day basis of interacting with students. Kindly permit me to introduce myself before I share my thoughts.

My name is Mukiibi Shaban and I work with a civil society organization attached to a school farm where I discharge my duties as an assistant farm manager. This position has offered the opportunity to interact with students of agronomy and agribusiness. 

My vision is being a prominent farmer owning a farm that will fetch me money as well as demonstrate agribusiness to my community. On 14th-17th February, 2017, I got an opportunity to attend the   Young Africa Works summit at Kigali Rwanda that was organized by MasterCard foundation in partnership with YPARD (Young Professionals for Agricultural Development). Where we freely shared our experiences, ideas and possible solution to addressing challenges due to climate change. Following this am now undergoing a one-year mentorship program with my mentor Mr.Muchunguzi Perez who has a soft skill set of listening, good communication, creativity, guiding and experience in a variety of issues. 

I have learnt how to set goals and action steps to attain them. I am so glad to have him as my mentor. Also, I have learnt the importance of drawing up a five-year work plan, the need to improve my current performance at work and documenting ways to contribute to my community. I am indeed grateful to YPARD and MasterCard foundation for the great support they render to us the youth in promoting the agriculture. 

Onwards and forwards! 


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