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Strengthening YPARD networks with 3 new country representatives!

YPARD is welcoming three new country representatives in Africa: in Malawi, Mali and Sierra Leone. Get to know more about them and liaise with them to get involved in national and local initiatives with YPARD!

Maxwell Mkondiwa, in Malawi

Maxwell Mkondiwa is the YPARD Malawi representative. He is a 22 years old research fellow (intern) at the Centre for Agricultural Research and Development and a part-time lecturer in agricultural statistics in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at Bunda College of Agriculture. He recently completed his MSc in Research Methods at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology-Kenya, in November 2011.

Maxwell is a recipient of several awards including the prestigious National Bank of Malawi-University of Malawi Outstanding Achiever for the Faculty of Development Studies in 2008 and the RUFORUM Competitive Scholarship to study a special MSc in agricultural research methods.

Maxwell has participated in YPARD activities since August 2011. He was selected among the 12 YPARD Members who attended the CGIAR Science Forum 2011 in October 2011. During the conference he contributed to discussions both in the plenary and breakaway sessions. He participated to producing the YPARD blog post and report from the Conference. As a result of the networks he established during the conference, he was also sponsored by CCAFS to attend the Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change Conference in Vietnam, where he has presented on 20th April 2012 on Youths, indigenous Knowledge Systems and Climate Change Nexus.  He also actively participated in online discussion forums, particularly the e-conference on extension services, and contributed to expand Malawian membership on YPARD.

We believe Maxwell will continue to provide much dynamism and passion as the YPARD Malawi representative and will make a significant change in Malawi, for young professionals in agricultural research for development.

Ibrahim Sidibe, in Mali

Ibrahim Sidibe is the YPARD Mali representative. He works with a young farmers organization which links youth from western Africa and other organizations such as le Reseau des Organisations des Producteurs et Paysans de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (ROPPA) and Coordination Régionale des Usagérs des Ressources Naturelles du Bassin du Bassin du Niger (CRU-BN).

Ibrahim graduated as an engineer in applied research in zootechnics and worked in projects related to the development of animal products and genetics. He is now himself a livestock producer.  He is a member of the National Federation of the Young Farmers of Mali, since 2006. Ibrahim has also been involved in many projects related to the organization of events in agricultural research.

Ibrahim strongly expressed his interest in carrying on promoting agriculture and agricultural research among the youth, and to enable better dialogues between young farmers and researchers.

Ibrahim has the opportunity to travel in Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso,  Sénégal, Guinée Conakry and Bénin, and meet  key stakeholders in international agronomic centers. He has been very active in promoting YPARD among its networks and will be a great asset to strengthen YPARD francophone community.

Dans Johnson in Sierra Leone

Dans Johnson is the YPARD Sierra Leone representative. He is a Liberian citizen currently enrolled in a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in Crop Science at Njala University, Sierra Leone, with three years of experience as a food security and livelihoods support officer.

Dans is involved in some youth organizations, and is also acquainted with agricultural programs that are aimed at promoting food security and poverty reduction.

Dans has presented a number of very pertinent ideas and activities to be implemented to support the youth in Sierra Leone. As an example, he wants to join forces of a campus based organization called Njala university volunteer research club with YPARD, in order to enable students pursuing degrees in Agriculture at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level to share research experiences through workshops, seminars and awareness programs. It is expected that the findings from this program will be taken to the local farmers in the surrounding communities of Njala University to enhance their capacities. The main goal of the program is to develop a link between the students and the farmers.

Dans’ energy will certainly bring a wind of change for the youth in the agricultural sector in Sierra Leone and generate great impact; we are glad to have him on board!

We are glad to make official Maxwell, Ibrahim and Dans’ involvement and commitment with YPARD. Do not hesitate to contact them as focal point, may you be a Malawi, Mali or Sierra Leone citizen, or willing to work there, for the youth and agricultural development.

We take this opportunity to also call for other members who would like to strengthen their involvement with YPARD, particularly in Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, and Europe. Contact us for more information! 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 , 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 , 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。, 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 .

Youth reshaping their future through agriculture
Entrepreneurship and Agricultural Development


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