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FAMILY FARMING – a means to Promote Youth’s Involvement in Agriculture and Agribusiness

Among the many highlights of my participation at the Second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD2)  with the theme FORESIGHT AND PARTNERSHIP FOR INNOVATION AND IMPACT ON SMALL-HOLDER LIVELIHOODS at Punta del Este, Uruguay on 29th October to November 1, 2012, one experience that I would not forget very quickly was the visit to the Solari Family Farm in... Continue reading
  868 Hits
868 Hits

Youth, agriculture and COP18: HOW to engage NOW!

COP18, huge conference on climate change, will kick off from November 26 to December 7, 2012 in Doha, Qatar. Two events are particularly related to agriculture: Forest day and Agriculture, Landscapes and Livelihoods Day, December 2 and 3 (organized by CGIAR). As we have learned during GCARD2, special media gives us the opportunity to engage, to get the voice heard of... Continue reading
  817 Hits
817 Hits