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Welcoming YPARD Italy representative: Virginia Cravero

We are delighted to welcome our very first YPARD Country representative for Italy: Virginia Cravero. Virginia is a Biologist specialized in bio-technology and agrifood, as well as in the development of traditional and local food products. She is passionate about food and all issues related to it. “Since I was little I experienced that food carries such pleasure that it was impossible... Continue reading
  1345 Hits
1345 Hits

Thinking of applying to the mentoring program? Read these tips!

Photo by Ollivier Girard/CIFOR   So you’re thinking of applying for the YPARD mentoring program? Here are some tips to help you with your application.  Read the question It’s surprising how many people give irrelevant answers to questions. If for example we ask you to describe someone who has been important in your life, this is not the time to tell... Continue reading
  726 Hits
726 Hits