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Helping Farmers Build Healthier Soils with Shamba Shape Up and CIAT

The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and Shamba Shape Up have teamed up to host a 1 hour Twitter Q&A to discuss about the problems facing farmers with SOIL.  The Twitter Chat on “Helping Farmers Build Healthier Soils," which will be held on Monday 13th April 8am EST / 2pm GMT / 4pm EAT will be particularly relevant in the lead up to the... Continue reading
  795 Hits
795 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Italy representative: Virginia Cravero

We are delighted to welcome our very first YPARD Country representative for Italy: Virginia Cravero. Virginia is a Biologist specialized in bio-technology and agrifood, as well as in the development of traditional and local food products. She is passionate about food and all issues related to it. “Since I was little I experienced that food carries such pleasure that it was impossible... Continue reading
  1345 Hits
1345 Hits