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Helping Farmers Build Healthier Soils with Shamba Shape Up and CIAT

CIAT and Shamba Shape Up Twitter ChatThe International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and Shamba Shape Up have teamed up to host a 1 hour Twitter Q&A to discuss about the problems facing farmers with SOIL. 
The Twitter Chat on “Helping Farmers Build Healthier Soils," which will be held on Monday 13th April 8am EST / 2pm GMT / 4pm EAT will be particularly relevant in the lead up to the International Year of Soils 2015
By using the hashtag #TalkSoil, you will be able to join Chepkemoi Janethon, YPARD member from Kenya and other 4 experts from SoilCares, Syngenta, FAO and One Acre Fund with the moderation and involvement of CIAT and Shamba Shape Up. 
The chat will be shaped by 4 different questions, which will be posted every 15 minutes:
  1. What are the challenges smallholder farmers are facing with their soils?
  2. How can farmers address these challenges to prevent the health of their soil from deteriorating further? 
  3. How can farmers address these challenges to increase their yields and livelihoods?
  4. What can they – and we – learn from others? 

All those interested in soil management are welcome to share their thoughts - we look forward to hearing your contributions to the chat!

Picture credit: ©FAO/Ami Vitale
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