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YPARD Team’s Online Hangout series: more interaction for more capacity

Have you ever thought of the wealth of knowledge that exists in the structure or organization you work with? At YPARD, we genuinely know that our community has a massive number of significant skills and experiences to share. Thus, in 2016, we designed a series of online hangouts for our country representatives all around the world to interact better among themselves... Continue reading
  1258 Hits
1258 Hits

Going back to YPARD’s roots (Revisiting the past, in the present, to see the way forward)

When you’re part of an international platform as vast as YPARD, it is seldom that you get the opportunity to visit the city, where YPARD was officially launched. Such was the privilege given to me to go to New Delhi and speak on behalf of the YPARD Asia Pacific Regional Executive Committee at the Fourth International Agronomy Congress, where a Special... Continue reading
  848 Hits
848 Hits

My Experience at the 42nd session of the Committee on World Food Security

Overwhelming, surprising, unexpected, humbling , exciting are some words that attempt to describe what I felt when I heard that I was chosen to be one of the youth innovators for the CFS incubator program. For now, I will narrow down to exciting especially after I arrived at Rome. I felt challenged and poised for action during and after the experience.... Continue reading
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851 Hits

Principles of fundraising webinar: Does money make the world go round?

by Jolan van Herwaarden               Update, 5 Nov. 2015: The webinar about the principles of fundraising is now closed. Watch the recorded webinar. Learn more about Jolan, our Expert Guest from The Resource Alliance, below. Money makes the world go round, right? Well, maybe that is not entirely true (I personally think it is Empathy but let’s not... Continue reading
  841 Hits
841 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Partnerships Officer – Martina Graf

We are delighted to welcome Martina Graf as YPARD Partnerships Officer. Martina works as scientific collaborator within the topic of making agriculture more sustainable using a tool called RISE - Response Inducing Sustainability Evaluation. “I love travelling and so do I love travelling through the world of agriculture, both on national and international level. Since 15 years I can call agriculture an... Continue reading
  962 Hits
962 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Netherlands representative: Machteld Schoolenberg

We are delighted to welcome our very first YPARD Country representative for the Netherlands: Machteld Schoolenberg. Machteld is a policy researcher with a Master in International Land and Water Management and specialized in Land degradation and Rural development. After her studies, she joined YPARD as a Web and Communications intern for seven months. Working and being trained online by Marina Cherbonnier, Web... Continue reading
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997 Hits

Sources of potential funding in agriculture – which doors to knock?

In a post- crisis world, innovation in rural development can be the single most important driver of the growth and competitiveness of agricultural sector. Today, there is much more reliance on the agricultural market than in the past decades. Issues of what to do to reduce poverty, increase profit from agricultural production, employment and widen consumers` choice are still to be... Continue reading
  1077 Hits
1077 Hits